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HIT MAGIC M8, High End Fingerprint with Face detection

Update Terakhir
05 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit
Dilihat Sebanyak
29 kali



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Detail HIT MAGIC M8, High End Fingerprint With Face Detection

Magic M8 Features: Read Below the Surface of the SKIN Read any Fingerprint quality : Old, Dry, Unclear, Worn Fingerprint Spoof Detection : detect Fake and Non Living Fingerprint HIT with its multispectral imager that is able to collect additional information from “ below the surface of the skin” . Unlike traditional technology, multispectral imaging technology is not dependent on the quality or authenticity of the fingerprint ridges presented. The new technology sensor can look beyond surface ridges to verify their authenticity and enhance the identifying image. If the user with the worn ridges presses the platen, the new sensor can read the unique unaffected fingerprint under the skin and enhance the image. Similarly, if there is water on the surface ridges, or if the finger isn’ t fully touching the sensor, environmentally robust multispectral imaging technology can enhance the incomplete surface ridge information with data from below the surface of the skin. The sensor’ s spoof detection ability is unique! Multispectral imaging technology can detect a fraudulent fingerprint ( a “ spoof” ) easily by measuring the subsurface data ( or lack of subsurface data! ) against known characteristics of living skin. It can even compare subsurface data to surface data to make sure that they are the same! Thus, multispectral imaging technology is a revolutionary access control system that is vastly superior to conventional fingerprint technologies. The HIT new Sensor can reduce adequate fingerprint nearly to zero to able to read by the system.
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